Multimedia gallery with over 10,000 resources (learning objects) modifiable by the teacher for diverse school disciplines (mathematics, chemistry, physics, computer science, history, geography, optics, electrotechnics, music, physical education, architecture, language of gestures, etc. ..). Search for online resources using a keyword using Google Images built into the software.
Curtain, reflector, highlight, black screen, magnifying glass, built-in window, timer / clock, multimedia player, screen shot, image capture, etc ...
Connection to video camera, webcam, document camera or other digital devices for real-time acquisition of images, videos and sounds to be used to create lessons. Video converter from avi to swf, wmv, flv and from swf to exe. Distance teaching in videoconferencing mode via Internet, LAN and / or Wireless: the teacher can stream the lessons in real time to allow the absentees not to miss the lesson and participate actively in the collaborative sessions.
DRAWING FREEHAND: pencil, standard pen, brush, bamboo pen, highlighter, pen texture, smart pen (for shape recognition) and magic pen (for instrument recognition)
GEOMETRIC DRAWING: Goniometer, Compass, Ruler, Squares, measurement of sides and angles in different units of measurement. Geometric shapes in 2D and 3D.
HANDLING OF OBJECTS transparency, proportions, rotation, dimensions, position, reflection, flips, hypertext links, etc ...
Recognition of manual writing and conversion to editable text. Automatic recognition of geometric shapes. Editor Formulas for writing and inserting mathematical symbols Function text-to-speech (speech synthesis) in English (and any language installed on the operating system) for the conversion of written text into speech and the use also by the dyslexic students.
Control of all the functions of the PC, notebook and applications with the ability to create and import annotations, highlight and enlarge parts of the screen, insert text using the on-screen keyboard, save and print what has been written on the blackboard, etc. Division into two demarcated areas of the active surface of the IWB (eg teacher-student or student-student) with the possibility of simultaneously using different functions (eg double interrogation). Personalized user interface: each teacher can, using a password, customize the graphic interface of the software according to his needs.
Compatible with the most common operating systems. Automatic software update to new releases available.