Projectors Buying Guide

Choosing the Right Projector

Choosing the right projector for you involves looking at both your needs and the right technical capabilities to fit those needs. In our projector buying guide below, we go over how to assess your projector needs and choose the right device for those needs.

Before considering the equipment itself, take a step back to assess your needs and installation conditions. This helps ensure a best-fit projector solution for any given application. Consider room size, number of attendees, lighting conditions, multiple projectors, presenter needs, etc.

Searching for projectors can be confusing, with many unique characteristics and technological terms. Our projector buying guide will help answer common questions regarding characteristics, terminology, features, and other important considerations when you are choosing one of the following types of projector.

  1. Business & Education Projector
  2. Gaming & Home Theater Projector
  3. Large Venue Projector
  4. Portable Projector

Business & Education


If you plan to use your projector for meetings, presentations, or classroom instruction, you will need a business or classroom projector. These projectors are brighter than home theater projectors. Consequently, they work better in meeting rooms or classrooms with overhead lighting and windows. They are designed primarily to display static images, such as graphs and PowerPoint slides, but they also work for multimedia and entertainment use.

When looking for a business or educational projector, here are a few things to consider:

  1. Room Size & Brightness: The higher the ANSI lumens rating, the brighter the projector's light output. Projectors of 2,500-3,000 lumens put out enough light for normal business or classroom situations, while projectors of 3,000-4,000 lumens produce enough light to display images without washout in large conference rooms and classrooms. In addition, for spaces with direct lighting, we recommend raising the brightness requirement by 1,000 lumens to support business presentation needs with lights on.
  2. Installation Requirement: First, you need to define how far you want to place the projector from the screen. This decision may be driven by the location of light fixtures, air conditioner vents, desks, or any other objects that might interfere with the installation of the projector, or the light path from the projector to the screen.

    For Classroom – Ideally, you want the projector located where students cannot intentionally or unintentionally block the light from the projector or look directly into the projection lens. One solution is to mount the projector on the same wall as the projection screen or very close to that wall, as this removes the projector from the seating area.

    For Business – A projector may need to be moved into different conference rooms or even carried to client meetings. It is critical to choose the right projector according to the specific needs of the business. For example, in small conference rooms where the projector can be placed directly in front of the screen, a projector with vertical keystone correction facilitates optimal image alignment.
  3. Business or Educational Requirements: A wide variety of projectors are available to meet the diverse needs of education & modern businesses. Considering the needs for different education/business meetings, wired connection models can satisfy most projection requirements used in a single space. If the projector will be used with smart devices as projection sources, look for wireless transmission capability. For large businesses with dedicated projectors in multiple conference rooms, LAN connectivity and remote management capabilities can facilitate efficient management of multiple projectors.
Recommended for:
  • Business meetings
  • Education and training
  • Presentations
  • Conferences
  • PowerPoint slideshows
  • Educational videos 
Reasons to choose a business & education projector:
  • Bright display even in rooms with ambient lighting
  • Portable size for travel and meetings
  • Easy to set up and adjust
  • Multiple inputs make it easy to connect to your laptop or other device
  • Wireless projection available
Shop for Business & Education Projectors

Gaming & Home Theater


Home theater projectors emphasize image quality and high contrast, with deep blacks and rich color saturation. Because home theater projectors simulate a dark movie theater environment, they work best in a dedicated room where you can control the amount of light that enters from outside the room.

Recommended for:

  • Movie night
  • Sports
  • Photo slideshows
  • 3D movies
  • Video games

Reasons to choose a home theater projector:

  • Best image quality for large screen viewing
  • Quiet fan for less background noise
  • HDMI ports for easy hookup to your home theater

If you are a gamer, then you are going to want a high-quality gaming projector to get maximum enjoyment from your favorite games. However, you can’t just go out and buy any projector. There are a few things to look for specifically for gaming:

  1. Refresh Rate: Refresh rate is the number of times per second a projector refreshes the displayed image. For gaming, we recommend a refresh rate of 120Hz and above. This is because higher refresh rates offer a smoother experience with zero lag or jumpy, skipping video. For gaming, a smooth and uninterrupted image is especially important. A higher refresh rate is also easier on your eyes over long periods.
  2. Response Rate: Response rate or input lag is the time a projector takes to display an image. Gamers want a fast response rate as every second is precious in a game. Most gaming projectors have faster response rates than normal projectors.
  3. Game Mode: Most gaming projectors will have a specialized 'game mode' AKA 'fast mode'. This will slightly reduce the quality of the image, but it will also reduce lag time. It will increase the refresh rate which will give you a more vibrant, seamless looking image. This will also reduce strain on your eyes.
  4. Compatibility: Today’s projectors are compatible with all types of connections including HDMI, WXGA, FHD, SXGA, XGA, UXGA, VGA, SVGA, and Mac. Some also have dual HDMI support, so you can connect to two devices at a time. Just make sure you choose a projector with the connections you need.
  5. Make sure you are buying a Gaming Projector: Gaming projectors are specially designed to reduce lag time, making them super responsive. A general good quality projector will be excellent for movies, but not so much for games. However, a specialized gaming projector will be excellent for gaming and nearly as good for movies.
Shop for Home Theater Projectors

Large Venue


When the image, venue and audience size demand higher brightness and more power, a large venue projector is the right type to purchase. In areas with inevitable light such as large theaters, churches, or halls, you need to use a large-venue projector. They have a brightness rating from about 4,500 lumens up to 20,000.

Recommended for:

  • Lecture halls
  • Movie theaters
  • Museum 
  • Houses of worship
  • Auditoriums / Stadiums
  • Sanctuaries

Reasons to choose a large venue projector:

  • Great for places where ambient light cannot be controlled
  • Brightest projectors available
  • Brightness ratings from 4,500 lumens up to 20,000 or more
  • Interchangeable lens systems
  • Adaptable in terms of throw distance
Shop for Large Venue Projectors



Portable projectors are compact enough to hold in your hand but powerful enough to project images for a small group of people. One of the key differences between a portable projector and a full-sized projector is the price range. Apart from price, portable projectors are also much smaller than other types. They can easily fit in your luggage so you can take an HD projector with you while traveling. The bottom line: they are the most compact, most flexible & easiest to use type of projector.

Recommended for:

  • Small rooms
  • Small group presentations
  • Personal use at home or on the road

Reasons to choose a portable projector:

  • Ultracompact and lightweight
  • Easy to set up and use anywhere you go
  • Smallest size available in a projector
  • Extremely portable
  • Ultralong lamp life
Shop for Portable Projectors


How Much Brightness Do I Need?

Brightness is how much light the projector can produce. Brightness is measured in ANSI lumens. 

The brightness of the room where you will be projecting will dictate the lumens rating you will need. Specifically, brighter rooms will need a projector with more lumens. In addition, if you are projecting large images, you will want a projector with a higher brightness rating. When choosing your projector, consider your application, the size of your group, the size of your room and the amount of light in the room.

Home Theatre projectors will range from about 2000 lumens up to about 2500 lumens brightness. When you are watching a movie, you will most likely dim most of the light from the room. Home theatre projectors generally focus on providing high detail, accurate colors, and high contrast to give the best picture possible.

Presentations in a Dim Room require projectors around the 2000- 3000 lumen brightness level. Presentations require people to read from charts, sheets and other small texts. Therefore, for this application, you will need a little more brightness than a home theatre projector can provide.

Presentations in a Lit Room will require from 3000 to 5000 lumens brightness. This brightness will ensure that the image is visible on the wall/screen in most lit rooms. Just remember - the larger the screen and the brighter the room, the brighter the projector will have to be. 3000 lumens is usually enough for a typical conference rooma, while 4000+ lumens is better for small halls or areas with lots of natural light.

Large Venue presentations come with unique challenges. Typically, these spaces have much more ambient light. Your audience will also be farther from the image. For these reasons, 4000 lumens and above is recommended. The larger the room and the more light that comes in, the brighter the projector will have to be. For a 2m wide picture in a well-lit room, 4000 lumens is normally fine. For a 4m wide picture in a well-lit room, it’s be best to use around 6000 lumens or higher.

Bright, brighter, brightest… Do not forget that the brighter your surroundings, the brighter your projector should be.


What Resolution Do I Need?

Resolution is the term used to describe the number of pixels used to display an image. Higher resolutions mean that more pixels are used to create the image. This allows you to display more information on your screen and create a crisper, cleaner image.

Today’s current video projectors for come in different resolutions. You have XGA, WXGA, HD, and 4K. HD is currently the most popular and available format for home theater.

  • SVGA: This resolution is at 800 x 600 pixels.
  • XGA: This resolution is at 1024 x 768 pixels.
  • HD 720p: This resolution is at 1280 x 720 pixels.
  • WXGA: This resolution is at 1280 x 800 pixels.
  • SXGA: This resolution is at 1280 x 1024 pixels.
  • HD 1080p: This resolution is at 1920 x 1080 pixels.
  • WUXGA: This resolution is at 1980 x 1200 pixels.
  • 4K: This resolution is at 4096 x 2160 pixels.
  • 8K: This resolution is at 7680 × 4320 pixels.

For standard presentations, 800x600 pixels may be sufficient, but for other uses (such as larger images or advanced presentations) you will want a higher resolution, such as 1024x768.

Both WXGA and WUXGA resolutions are widescreen. These resolutions are recommended for use with all modern computers (which are widescreen too). Both WXGA and WUXGA are fine for detailed presentations. However, if you are projecting high detail very often it may be best to upgrade to a WUXGA model.

Throw Ratio

Where Should I Put My Projector?

Throw Ratio is the relation between the throw distance (the distance between the projector's lens and the projected image) and the width of the projected image:

Throw Ratio = Throw Distance / Image Width

Throw Distance is the distance between the projector's lens and the projected image. Image Width is the width of the projected image.

Throw Ratio tells us what image size we can project from a certain distance away. For instance, a throw ratio of 1.5 indicates that for every 1 foot of image width, the throw distance must be 1.5 feet. The smaller the throw ratio, the larger the image a projector will produce at a shorter throw distance.

Calculating Throw Ratio
Using the throw ratio equation and its variations is essential when selecting the right projector for your experience. It’s important to consider the positioning of your projector and the size of the image you’d like to project (or the size of the scene you’d like to cover). With the throw ratio equation, you can determine: 

The ideal throw ratio given the setup of your experience
TR = TD / IW
(Throw Ratio = Throw Distance / Image Width)

Where to place a projector given its throw ratio & your projected image size
TD = TR x IW
(Throw Distance = Throw Ratio x Image Width)

The width of the image a projector will produce given its throw ratio & throw distance
IW = TD / TR
(Image Width = Throw Distance / Throw Ratio)

Understanding throw ratio helps with selecting a projector that is suitable for your experience. Keep in mind your environment setup, any installation limitations, and your potential projected image size. 

** If you have a small room, consider a Short Throw projector which can display very large images from a shorter distance.

Aspect Ratio

What Aspect Ratio Do I Need?

A projector's aspect ratio refers to the ratio between its width and height. For example, a 4:3 display produces an image that is squarer, whereas a 16:9 ratio produces an image that is more rectangular in shape (16:9 is the ratio of every flatscreen TV today). 

The most common video projector aspect ratios are:
4:3 (XGA & SXGA) 
16:10 (WXGA & WUXGA) 
16:9 (standard HDTV, 1080p)

The standard proportion of width to height for a projector used to be 4:3, but modern projectors have a widescreen format of 16:9 or 16:10. Almost all new computers are designed in the widescreen 16:10 or 16:9 formats. If your budget allows, we normally recommend getting a 16:9 or 16:10 projector (which means WXGA or WUXGA resolution).

Contrast Ratio

What Contrast Ratio Do I Need?

Contrast ratio measures how well a projector can reproduce black and white. It is the difference between light and dark on a screen expressed by a number. If you take the brightest white on a screen and the darkest black and compare the luminosity, you will get the contrast ratio. For example, a 1000:1 contrast ratio means that the brightest white is 1000x brighter than the darkest black. Therefore, a high contrast ratio means the projected image will have incredibly rich, crystal-clear detail.

Contrast Ratio and The Location Itself: Even though a number of electronic techniques are used to increase or decrease your projector’s contrast, the biggest factor that affects your contrast will be the environment in which you’ll be using your projector. Ambient light affects the brightness of your projector as well as its contrast ratio since a fainter projection results in muddy results.

Contrast Ratio Requires Brightness: Your projector should be bright enough to deal with ambient light so that the contrast ratio can end up visible and clear. It only takes a small amount of ambient light from fluorescent or LED lights, or daylight from your window, to render the contrast and brightness of your projector moot. Whether your projector has a ratio of 10000:1 or 1000:1 contrast, too much ambient light will always cause problems. Ambient light will make your projection fainter than normal. That’s why you need a projector with enough brightness for your space.


What is the Difference Between DLP LCD, LED & Laser Projectors?

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) projectors use liquid crystal display panels to project the image. Specifically, when the projector creates an image, it uses RGB or red, blue, and green colors filtered just right. All three colors are projected onto the screen at once to give you a full-color digital image, with filtration here and there to properly render everything.

The benefits of LCD include:

  • High light output
  • Great color accuracy
  • Excellent black levels
  • Inexpensive to operate
  • Minimal rainbow artifacts
  • Dependable and consistent liquid crystal technology

Digital Light Processing (DLP) utilizes the Texas Instruments DLP chip. This chip is essentially a reflective surface with thousands of tiny, spinning mirrors. It takes the reflected light and puts it through a color wheel to create an image. 

The benefits of DLP include:

  • Minimal motion blur
  • Incredible image speed
  • Robust light output equal to LCDs
  • Smooth frame rates and movement
  • Good brightness and color precision
  • High color accuracy (varies by device)
  • Single-chip or three-chip DLP projectors available

Light-Emitting Diode (LED) projectors represent a significant advance over traditional projectors. Instead of using a bulb filled with gas at high pressure, they use an array of LEDs to generate the light that shines through, or off, the image element to project an image.

The benefits of LED include:

  • No lamps
  • Lifespan of over 20,000 hours
  • Lower power consumption
  • Continual optimum resolution
  • No color or image degradation
  • No maintenance
  • Greener product
  • Smaller & generates less heat

Do keep in mind that LED projectors have limited brightness compared to LCD or DLP, so they are not recommended if your room has a lot of ambient light.

Laser Projector technology differs from bulb-based projection in the way it produces an image. With bulb-based projection, the light source (the bulb) needs to illuminate a panel which in turn produces the image. In contrast, laser projectors use lasers to generate light and projected images.

The benefits of Laser include:

  • Quiet
  • Does not get hot
  • Higher brightness ratings
  • Does not dim over time
  • Higher image quality
  • Precision color accuracy, stability
  • Low to no lamp replacement
  • Less maintenance
  • Energy efficiency

Lens Zoom

A projector zoom lens allows you to increase or decrease the size of the projected image without moving the projector.

If you use your projector in different places, you won't always have control over the screen size or placement of the projector. The solution is using zoom. By shifting the internal optical elements of the lens, you can adjust the image size. This allows a projector to deliver the desired image size from a range of throw distances. The greater the zoom ratio, the larger you can make the image.

Keystone Correction & Lens Shift

Keystone correction allows you to correct distortion by digitally adjusting the image, so it is perfectly square on the screen or wall. Lens shift allows you to mechanically adjust the angle of the lens by shifting it up, down or sideways without the need to tilt or angle the projector.

Some projectors have Automatic Vertical Keystone Correction that detects projection angle and does the correction automatically. Horizontal keystone correction is not very common. It works the same as vertical keystone correction, but it fixes the distortion caused by having the projector too far left or right of the image.

Keystone correction is available on almost every projector, offering a quick way to adjust the image on data projectors and portable projectors. Lens shift is available mainly on high-end home theater projectors, where the projector will be installed semi-permanently on the wall or ceiling.

Lens shift retains 100% of the resolution in the projected image. It is a better way to correct distortion than keystone correction.


How Long Will My Lamp Last?

The part of the projector responsible for emitting light is a bulb and housing in one. This is known as a projector lamp, although it is sometimes called a projector bulb. Projector lamps, like air filters, can often be replaced. Both DLP and LCD projectors use integrated lamps with special light bulbs optimized for use in a projector.

Lamp life is measured in hours. Typical projector lamp life is between 2000 and 4000 hours. For most users, this will translate to years of use. Projector brands give a lamp life rating for each projector so you know roughly how long the lamp will last for. Remember that lamp life depends on the frequency of use. 

LED projectors, meanwhile, do not use a lamp. The result is that these projectors generate less heat and require almost no maintenance. Additionally, since LEDs use no lead or mercury, they provide a compelling solution for those seeking a more environmentally friendly projector.

Make sure that lamps are seated completely while installing plug-in bulbs. Always switch off the projector before changing the bulb. Be sure to use the remote control and don’t just unplug the power. When you use the remote, the projector will go into a cool down mode where the image is turned off and the fan accelerates to cool the lamp in a controlled manner. If your projector is equipped with a "high/low lamp" switch you can extend your average lamp life by using the "low lamp" or "ECO" position whenever possible.


Input/output, What Options Do I Want?

Today’s projectors offer an array of input and output connectors. They have their own sets of inputs and outputs, which vary from projector to projector.

Analog Connectors

RCA Composite
Analog connections are much less common today than they used to be. They are used to transmit analog audio and video signals between devices. Data transmission only occurs over one channel.

The S-video connection operates over two separate channels, brightness & color, from a source component.

The VGA connection is an analog 15-pin connection for image transmission. It is also called D-Sub15, D-connector or RGB. It is commonly found on notebooks, laptops, and desktop PCs.

VGA out
The VGA out connection enables looping of the VGA input signal through the projector. That lets you connect to another display device (screen or projector).

RCA Component
The component video (also RGB connection) is an analog video connection with three channels: red, green, and blue. These individual channels are synchronized on the other end, resulting in a clear image.

(Bayonet-Neill-Concelman)- BNC is often used to terminate coaxial cables, but it’s uncommon in consumer electronics. BNC is also called Bayonet Network Connector. This is only used on a few large venue projectors.

Digital Connectors

HDMI is extremely common today. It allows for the transmission of video and audio. This is necessary for high definition picture quality (HDTV). HDMI 1.4 (high speed) is suitable for the transmission of 3D content in full HD.

Digital Visual Interface. The DVI port is similar to HDMI, as it also uses digital signals to transmit video to projectors. It can be screwed securely to input and output devices.

The digital DisplayPort connection is comparable to the HDMI connection. It is used to transmit digital image and audio data via a single connector.

The USB-C connector (also called Thunderbolt 3) is now a standard connection for many devices. It combines data, power, and image transmission in one port. It transmits data at up to 10 Gigabits per second. This makes it much faster than a conventional USB 3.0 connection.

Audio Sound

3,5 mm jack IN
The 3.5 mm jack (input) provides the option to receive an audio signal from an external source.

3,5 mm jack OUT
With a 3.5 mm jack (output) it is possible to loop an audio signal through the 3.5 mm input of the projector. This is useful when using external speakers.

Composite audio
This connection provides the option to send an audio signal to the projector.

Monitoring & Control

Also known as D-sub 9pin, it’s most commonly used for control when wiring a projector into a control panel on the wall. It looks like the VGA port.

The USB Type B connection is mainly used to control presentations via the remote control of the projector. The signal is looped through the projector to the PC.

LAN / RJ-45
The LAN connection is designed to transmit and control data and has superseded the RS232 or RS232C ports as a control and monitor interface. Some projectors allow for the image to be sent via LAN.

Data Transmission

This connection enables the projector to read data from an external storage device (such as a USB drive). Most projectors, however, are only able to play image files in JPEG format. Very few projectors can read and play video files or Microsoft Office format files directly.


Projectors which offer the WLAN option can transmit images, text, or presentations via WLAN. Some projectors can transmit wirelessly via apps (iPad/iPhone).

Wireless display standard designed for mirroring a smartphone, tablet, or PC's screen without requiring any physical HDMI cables. This technology offers the possibility to create a point-to-point connection from a Miracast-enabled smart device. Miracast can be integrated into projectors or external receivers (e.g., HDMI dongles).

Apple Mac Connection

An adapter is always required when connecting an Apple Mac computer to a projector.

Mini DisplayPort

Mini DisplayPort

The Mini DisplayPort is now primarily used by Apple. It is a digital connection but is also able to process analog signals.

VGA or DVI adapter

The mini DisplayPort requires an adapter for VGA/DVI/HDMI.

Optional: DVI to HDMI cable

If you want to connect to an HDMI connection, a DVI to HDMI adapter cable is recommended.


This is a digital connection which transmits video and audio via one cable. It is required for high-definition picture quality (HDTV).



USB-C to HDMI adapter / USB-C to VGA Adapter

This is a USB-C to HDMI adapter (USB-C Digital AV Multiport Adapter) or a USB-C to VGA Adapter (USB-C VGA Multiport Adapter). An HDMI cable or a VGA cable is then used with it.

Optional: HDMI to HDMI cable


3D Display

How does 3D Projector Display works?

3D projectors are able to fill screens from 92″ diagonal to 130″ diagonal. This is a massive game changer. These projectors give a 3D experience like you get in a real theater. You are immersed in 3D, not looking at some small 3D box. 3D projectors are now being used for home theater, 3D gaming, education, and for specialty business and scientific applications.

Many projectors promise to be 3D-ready, which indicates that they will accept and display at least one of several 3D signal formats currently used by video sources (i.e. computers, set top boxes, game consoles or Blu-ray players). Some projectors feature built-in 3D capability, while others require a 3D emitter to display 3D content. You also need a 3D-compatible video source, 3D glasses, and 3D content.

General FAQ’s

What Is a Normal Warranty?

Depending on the projector brand, warranties do vary. Generally, the projector is covered for a year, with the lamp having shorter coverage (usually 30 days to six months).

Do I Need to Consider Audio Performance When Buying a Projector?

Your need for audio will vary according to how you will be using your projector. For home theater uses, which normally include surround sound, the sound provided by the projector is relatively unimportant. Data presenters also have little use for audio. However, if you are gaming or do not have separate sound for your home theater, choose a projector that includes quality speakers.

How Much Should I Worry About Projector Weight?

Common sense should reign when deciding what size projector to buy. Consider whether you will be traveling with your projector and choose accordingly. A hard case with wheels will also ease transport.

Should I Invest in a Screen?

The simple answer is YES! Using a projector without a screen will decrease the quality of the viewable image. A simple white wall will provide a good surface for an image to be projected, but there are some downsides to it. A wall does not reflect light nearly as well as a projector screen. Since the screen reflects light, it works together with your projector to make colors and images pop off the screen. Projection screens have optical coatings that enhance their reflective properties.

How Can I Choose an Environmentally Friendly Projector?

Every projector manufacturer has its own policy that covers the types of materials used in manufacturing and how products are handled at end of life. Many projectors sold in the United States comply with the European Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS)and the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE). LED projectors, which naturally use less power, are more "green" choices.

What does lens shift do and why would I want it?

Projectors with lens shift give you greater flexibility in where you can place the projector relative to the screen. Lens shift comes in two forms: vertical lens shift and horizontal lens shift. Vertical lens shift gives you considerable latitude on where you can place the projector vertically relative to the center of the screen, while horizontal lens shift gives you a similar capability horizontally.

For example, these features will allow you to place a projector on a table where the projection lens is lined up perpendicular to an edge of the screen and still throw a perfectly rectangular image onto the screen.

What is better for a projector, DLP or LCD?

DLP (Digital Light Processing) uses the principle of mirror reflection to present images. It has the advantages of filter-free, full digitization, high contrast, fine image, small volume, and long life. DLP technology also has a lower Total Cost of Ownership and is supported by award-winning Hollywood directors and producers.

How bright should my projector be?

Projector brightness is measured in ANSI lumens. Your viewing environment is the deciding factor in how many lumens your projector needs. Dedicated home theaters (rooms with controlled lighting and no ambient light) will not require as much brightness as spaces with ambient light from windows or other sources.

Here are some examples:

  • A room where the lights can be turned off completely: 1500 to 2000 lumens
  • A classroom or boardroom where the lights can be dimmed, if not fully extinguished: at least 3000 lumens
  • A lecture hall, church, or other larger venue, or an environment with high ambient light: at least 4500 lumens
  • A movie theater or stadium: 20,000 lumens or more

How do I setup my projector?

Please find the Installation Guide under “Manual/Guides” Section of the product listing page.

Projection is blurry, what can I do?

  1. The projection lens is not correctly focused. Adjust the focus of the lens using the focus ring.
  2. The projector and the screen are not aligned properly. Adjust the projection angle and direction as well as the height of the unit if necessary.
  3. There may be dust accumulated on lens. Refer to "How do I clean the lens?"
  4. The lens cap is still attached to the lens. Remove the lens cap.

How can I compare projectors?

You can compare projectors by using the “Add to Compare” feature available on our product pages.

How can I find projectors with special features that I need?

Please read the Product Specification Table on the product page.

What is 4K?

4K essentially means a clearer picture. It’s known as Ultra HD resolution. It uses more pixels than Full HD. Typically, 4K Ultra HD resolution is 3840x2160 pixels. These pixels are all used to create images that are crisper and more detailed than standard HD.

What does UHD mean?

UHD stands for Ultra High Definition. When you see this, it is referring to 4K resolution.

Should I install my projector or set it on a tabletop?

You need to define how far from the screen you want to place the projector. This decision may be driven by the location of light fixtures, air conditioner vents, desks, or other any objects that might interfere with the installation or the light path from the projector to the screen. Projector installation depends on your requirement.

Can I use a portable projector outdoors?

They are small and light enough to carry outside and set on a small table, yet they put out enough light to produce a large image.

How much do I need to know about image quality?

If the projector you choose is not bright enough, the image quality will suffer. If the projector throws an image that’s the wrong size, the viewing experience will suffer. Overall, you need to get a projector that’s bright enough and projects a large enough image for your space. Other than that, just know that higher resolution (AKA more pixels) also increases quality.

How many lumens do you need to project in daylight?

No matter the screen size, you should look for a projector that has at least 2500 lumens if you're using it outside during the day. The more you venture towards 4000 lumens and higher, the better.

Can I rely on a projector's built-in speakers?

Projectors, much like TVs, are not built to deliver great sound. They are often limited to 1-watt or 3-watt speakers, which will not cut it in most situations. In general, investment in a separate sound system - even portable computer speakers - is recommended. If you do need the convenience of an all-in-one solution, opt for a project that has at least a 10-watt speaker.

What is the difference between a Short Throw & Ultra Short Throw Projector?

Short Throw Ultra-Short Throw
Big pictures in small spaces Big pictures in really tight spaces
3-4 feet throw distance to create a 100-inch image 3-20-inch throw distance to create a 100-inch image
Cheaper to purchase More expensive to buy
Not compatible with ALR (Ambient Light Rejecting) materials CLR (Ceiling Light Rejecting) materials available
Requires flat projection surface Requires flat projection surface
High quality image High quality image with even less glare and shadow

Which is better, DLP or LED projector?

DLP (Digital Light Processing) is an exclusive technology of the Texas Instruments. It uses the principle of mirror reflection to present images. It has the advantages of filter-free, full digitization, high contrast, fine image, small volume, and long life. DLP technology has a lower Total Cost of Ownership and is supported by award-winning Hollywood directors and producers.

Can I leave my projector turned on 24/7?

You can leave your projector on 24/7 if you want to. If the projector is operating under normal operating conditions (clean, relatively dust-free environment, and there is sufficient ventilation around projector) the lamp will have the greatest likelihood of lasting through its entire rated lamp life.

Why is the lamp not as bright after being used for a period of time?

Projector lamps are consumable items and naturally dim as they age. Sometimes resetting the lamp and projector can help with brightness.

How do I know if my projector lamp is dying or it needs to be replaced?

Please follow the lamp indicator or pop-up messages which indicate it is time to replace the lamp. An old lamp may cause a malfunction in the projector and in some instances the lamp may even explode.

Can I put a brighter bulb in my projector?

To ensure optimal performance from the projector, it is recommended that you purchase an original projector lamp replacement. We don’t recommend using bulbs brighter than the original bulb that came with your projector.

Can I change the projector lamp myself?

It is fine for users to replace the lamp on their own. To ensure optimal performance from the projector, it is recommended that you purchase an original projector lamp replacement.

How can I extend lamp life?

  1. Projector lamps are consumable items which dim as they age. To increase lamp life:
  2. Ensure there is adequate clearance near the intake and exhaust vents.
  3. Use the Eco mode when possible.
  4. Avoid frequently switching the projector on and off of.

How long is the lifespan of projector bulbs?

The typical life expectancy of a lamp is approximately 1500~2000 hours, depending on the usage. After 2000 hours, the efficiency of the light bulbs can and may decline up to 70%. We recommend that you replace your projector’s light bulb after it has reached its hour maximum. The built-in lamp hours timer is a safety timer that helps to keep the consumer aware of the hour usage.

How do I clean the lens?

Avoid wiping lens with abrasive materials that may scratch the lens surface. Also avoid using non-approved liquids and solvents which may affect the special coating on lens surface. Gently blowing air to remove dust on lens and using a microfiber cloth is a safe method.

How can I contact the support team?

You can contact the support team in two ways:
By Phone: 1+ (866) 942-6273
By Email:

Don't Forget the Screen

Although you can use a white wall as a screen in a pinch, a high-quality projection screen will make the picture look better and brighter. White screens enhance brightness, which is especially beneficial for business & educational use where you will be viewing images in a well-lit room and presenting documents and graphs with a white background.

Every screen is rated according to its gain factor, or how efficiently it reflects light. The higher the gain, the brighter the image will be on the screen. White screens enhance brightness, which is especially beneficial for business use.

Screens come in various types and sizes. The type of screen that is best depends on the projector, the viewing angle, the amount of ambient light in the room, and the distance of the projector from the screen.

Shop for Projector Screens

Customer Reviews

Excellent product, service, and price

tonymyrick - 2019-09-04

"Purchased Optoma UHD65 projector. Touch boards had best price I could find anywhere! Transaction was smooth. I didn’t pay for upgrade shipping so took about 7 days to receive. Projector is great. Customer service is great. Will be back for more products on this site!!."

Very happy with prompt service

Dave54894 -2020-05-22

"Full refund was received upon product return. Excellent service."

Top notch service

ChadG-38775 - 2019-12-10

"Had bit of a hiccup with our order as one of the items hadn't shipped despite a packing slip indicating that it had. I spoke with Jonathan Dolan at Touchboards and he took the entire fix upon himself including reaching out to the manufacturer directly to speed up the normal paperwork process. The item was shipped promptly, and he kept me in the loop in the interim with frequent calls to update me on status. I couldn't be more pleased.

The irony is it turned out to be my fault. I had set aside the small box when unpacking freight and discovered it weeks later. It's great to know that Touchboards had my back, and I would highly recommend them."

Very good product

RafaelLaffitteBosch - 2019-12-06

"Very good quality +good service... will buy again"

Purchase Agent

roncurlyn - 2019-10-14

"Everything with the order went very smoothly. Very professional"

Fast shipping, good communication

ahebra - 2019-09-18

"The online order process was easy, and all info was correct, product shipped on time."

Item shipped quick and exactly as described.

rtparish - 2019-03-25

"I used this site due to the price of the specific protector I wanted being a few hundred less than anywhere else and it came without a hitch."

Excellent Customer Service

dpilar - 2018-06-11

"The entire order experience was as smooth as possible with easy check out, quick customer service replies and outstanding shipping updates."

These guys (and girls) Rock!

si-16107 - 2018-03-23

"From start to finish everyone was professional and courteous and followed up on all of our purchases. Did research in order to help get me a delivery date so I could assure my customer we would have their products installed on time. And, Pricing! We but thru distribution for most of our items, and these guys beat our usual distributors prices. We will be using Touchboards more often for sure! Great experience"

Courteous and Responsive Service

VentureGoon - 2018-02-06

"My company ordered a 4k laser projector from Touchboards, which arrived fairly quickly. Unfortunately the higher-ups decided against committing the money to it for now and we had to return the product. Touchboards' RMA process was pretty straightforward and we were able to return it with no trouble. They were also very prompt in issuing the refund. I am sorry we ended up not keeping the projector, as the product was great, and I am very thankful for their patience with us. Whenever we do finally upgrade our current setup, I have little hesitation in checking Touchboards out first."

Great for Online Teaching

sbynum - 2020-06-08

"I used their software years ago in the classroom, and love it now for Zoom meetings or recording videos for online classes. Great way to easily and quickly change colors, do highlights, or insert shapes. Customer service was also great when I needed expedited access to my licence."

Great Service

sandeepsebastin - 2020-05-21

"Ordered a Ergotron LX monitor stand, mouse holder and a monitor handle. Accidentally ordered the wall mount version instead of the deskmount. Was shipping it to Singapore using BorderFree and realised it only two days after I had ordered it. Touchboards and Borderfree stopped shipment just in the nick of time and sent me the revised order. Saved me a ton of money. Thank you guys.

The products arrived in time and work great. No complaints with the Ergotron stuff."

Quick service

j-eaton - 2020-04-30

"When the pandemic started and we were all sent home, I needed to get a document camera to one of our faculty members quickly. We were very happy with the product and shipping speed."

Definitely a legit company!!

AndyLord - 2020-04-10

"Feel good about spending your money w these guys! I was for sure this was another scam that’d PayPal would end up refunding. But they actually sent me an item that’s one of a kind, very rare, and at a really low price! I’d been looking for a specific 3D-RF emitter for at least a few years. And in just a few days, they had it at my doorstep.. Their customer service was outstanding too. I highly recommend buying from Touchboards anytime!"

Great product and service

RafaelLaffitteBosch - 2019-12-04

"Received the tackless paper holders (that work perfectly) and they were packaged well and shipped before the initial estimate. Wouldn't hesitate to purchase again from this vendor."

Great Prices

stevanmyers - 2019-10-04

"Everything was great about our purchase. Ordering, quotes, shipping, attention, etc. were all easy and professional. My only complaint is that they could not give us a demonstration of the product we were purchasing. I had to go to another company to give us a demonstration of a similar product, but had much higher prices and could not give us the same price as even after showing them the direct quote. So we came back to strictly because of the cheaper prices. How can I be sure of the functionality of a $4,000+ purchase without testing the product first? Especially with NO return policy (how can they even do that?)."

My experience with Touchboards was excellent.

Ga-19709 - 2019-09-26

"I was contacted about my shipment soon after I placed my order, I was kept in the loop, and I received my item earlier than anticipated. I would recommend this company.

Invoice Number - 0852249
Date - 08/28/2019"

Prompt and of quality

Mrdonegani - 2019-09-10

"After a week of research this monitor arm is what I needed and better than expected."

Very good experience

PLM_Italy - 2019-06-01

"Very clear Website. Fast delivery, even outside US"

Top Class Product - First Rate Service

JayWard - 2019-05-18

"The whole process from order to delivery was faultless. The kit worked a treat straight out of the box. PLUG & PLAY no glitches"

No problems here. Good company to deal with.

davidcraine - 2019-04-24

"Product shipped the next day and I got what I ordered with no surprises."

Very Helpful

charlie-59296 - 2019-03-27

"Touchboards was great. I had trouble setting it up, one quick phone call and they got me going!"

Great service greater prices!

SharlyYou - 2019-03-14

"From the search bar to the delivery.. I had no issues at all. Highly recommended!"

Great service.

RagniPasturel - 2018-11-27

"No problems with delivery! Arrived on time, signed for the package and started using the balancing board right away. Good quality board that was recommended by a Physical Therapist."

Great Service and Prompt Delivery

ckramer-62071 - 2018-10-15

"I was in dire need of a Starboard TE-SN65 interactive flat panel display and last minute was stuck fulfilling my manager's Q2 purchasing requisition and googled and found and I called them up and they were able to work with with me and gave me the whiteglove treatment and pulled a lot of strings and allowed me to pick-up a board from one of their west coast facilities before 6 pm that SAME day!

The Touchboards workers really showed that they care and saved my tail from being fired!!

Thank you and great job all around!"

Speedy service

NutECookieMom - 2018-09-20

"Placed my order and received it sooner than expected. Will definitely order with this company again."

Very Pleased!

sandramcampbell - 2018-09-04

"I was apprehensive about spending $3k for a product sight-unseen but we are thrilled with our new Touchboard! The rolling stand and Touchboard are just what we needed for meetings and training sessions for large groups. Very interactive and dynamic."

Easy Purchase

ArtGonzales - 2018-08-21

"The package arrived on time and in good condition. Easy set up and ease of use. Comes with manual and ready to out of the box. I've always been satisfied with Tascam products. Order yours today"

The Best Customer Service experienced thus far!!

AllisterR - 2018-08-15

"I recently purchased an ELMO MX-P from Touchboards, the document camera was shipped very quickly and it arrived well packaged. The MX-P being the latest document camera from Elmo was readily available from Touchboards at the best price when compared with other sellers. What really impressed me was Touchboard's Customer response for when I inquired about the software license key needed for the ELMO Interactive Toolbox. Within 24 hours, Touchboards provided me with a key to enable the software and to optimize use of the MX-P. I am genuinely impressed with the overall customer service from Touchboards and would definitely recommend this company to any Educational Institution, Teacher, or Facilitator to purchase from and for having the most up to date and technological advanced equipment and resources that certainly meet the requirements for 21st Century Teaching and Learning."

Top Quality, Service and Dependability.

julian-10191 - 2018-07-16

"Our associate Remi was beyond helpful. He is detailed oriented and helps address all your questions and concerns professionally and right away.

I would recommend him to be anyones rep as he goes above and beyond with exceptional service."