InFocus INF6501CBAGp JTouch 65-Inch Whiteboard

Rarely works correctly


Attempting to get the Lightcast App and stick to work is always a chore. After resolving DHCP issues by making a static IP and then setting my network to never let any other device use that IP as the InFocus software is bad for DHCP, the stick and app in chrome work about half the time. It is a gigantic risk if I (IT professional) dont have an hour warning for meetings to make sure the InFocus works (usually doesnt) so then I can hard wire to the back of it like a normal television. I am amazed at how bad this product is for the price. The touch works well and that is about all I can say about it that is positive. I am glad my tech budget is large and im not like a teacher that this would be several years of budgeting flushed down the drain.

Mark on Sep 24, 2020 I found this helpful (0)

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