Metered & Switched Eco PDU, 8-Outlet 1U (Black)
The Aten PE6108A Metered & Switched eco PDU is an intelligent PDU that contains 8 AC outlets with NEMA 5-15P socket configuration. It provides secure, centralized, intelligent, power management (power on, off, cycle) of data center IT equipment (servers, storage systems, KVM switches, network devices, serial data devices, etc.), as well as the ability to monitor the center's health environment via sensors.
The PE6108A eco PDU offers a remote power control combined with real-time power measurement - allowing you to control and monitor the power status of devices attached to the PDUs at the PDU device level from practically any location via a TCP/IP connection.
Note: Sensors are optional accessories. A sensor-enabled installation is required to generate a more complete energy-efficient data and chart. Higher sensor installation density is helpful to generate more accurate data.
A cost-effective way to remotely manage power access
The PE6108A eco PDU supports any 3rd party v3 SNMP Manager Software and the eco Sensors (Energy Management Software). The eco Sensors provides you with an easy method for managing multiple devices, offering an intuitive and user-friendly Graphical User Interface that allows you to configure a PDU device and monitor power status of the equipment connected to it. With ALTUSEN eco Sensors, the Sensor-enabled eco PDU also offers comprehensive power analysis reports which can separate by departments and locations, providing precise measurements of current, voltage, power and watt-hour in a real-time display.
With its advanced security features and ease of operation, the eco PDU is the most convenient, most reliable, and most cost-effective way to remotely manage power access for multiple computer installations and allocate power resources in the most efficient way possible.